Welcome to St Therese Preschool and Long Day Care

Sadleir-Miller Childcare Centre

96 Cartwright Avenue, Sadleir, NSW 2168

Our Sadleir-Miller Childcare Centre located beside St Therese Catholic Primary School delivers high-quality early childhood education and care programs for children aged 2 to 6.

The centre is located beside St Therese Catholic Primary School at 96 Cartwright Avenue, Sadleir NSW 2168 and operates extended long day care hours from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM on weekdays.

We provide nutritious meals, nappies and wipes, hats and sunscreen for the convenience of families.

Enquire today to meet our dedicated and professional team, learn more about our exceeding-rated Sadleir-Miller childcare service and see our classrooms in action!

96 Cartwright Avenue, Sadleir, NSW 2168
7:00 am – 6:00 pm (Monday - Friday)
Children Aged 2 to 6 Years
Exceeding the National Quality Standards

Meet Our Centre Director

I am Anitha, the Centre Director of St Therese Preschool & Long Day Care. With 19 years of experience in Early Childhood Education, I firmly believe, as Fred Rogers beautifully put it, that "Play gives children a chance to practise what they are learning.”

This sentiment drives our ethos at St Therese Preschool & Long Day Care, where we champion play-based teaching, aiming to offer not just high-quality care but an education that is holistic, encompassing all domains of a child's learning.

I warmly invite you, your children, and extended family to be a part of the St Therese Preschool & Long Day Care community. Entrusting us with a role in your child's life is an honour.

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Take a Look Around Our Centre

Daily Fees 2025

Before the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is applied.
Toddler Room
Ages 2-3
Preschool Room
Ages 3-6

What We Provide

Healthy and nutritious meals freshly prepared by our in-house cook.
All the essentials - nappies, wipes, and sunscreen.
Appropriately qualified and committed early childhood professionals to care for your children.
Foundational school readiness program that is embedded into our curriculum.
Stimulating indoor and outdoor spaces to encourage learning and play.
Real-time updates to families via our family communication app on Storypark.

Learn More About Our Service

About St Therese

At St Therese, our approach to early education is inspired by a project-based approach, understanding children and educators as co-constructors in learning.
We embrace the 'Hundred Languages' of the child, facilitating their growth and development through
play-based learning, hands-on exploration, children's interest projects, creative arts and more.

Our dedicated team prioritises responsive caregiving, recognising the importance of understanding and sensitively responding to each child as an individual with unique needs, emotions and ways of communicating. We draw inspiration from Rita Pierson's poignant words: "Every child needs a champion." In that spirit, we are here to champion your child's growth, development and well-being.

Beyond our service, we value the relationships formed with families and our broader community. These connections enhance our service and play a pivotal role in your child's comprehensive development.
I warmly invite you, your children and your extended family to join the St Therese Preschool and Long Day Care community. We look forward with excitement to the milestones and discoveries that await your child at
St Therese Preschool and Long Day Care!

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Our Approach to Learning

At St Therese Preschool and Long Day Care, our approach to learning is inspired by a project-based approach, viewing each child as an innately curious and capable learner. 

Our learning environments, often referred to as the 'third teacher,' are carefully crafted to spark exploration and creativity while our educators act as facilitators and co-learners. 

Driven by the children's own passions and interests, our approach celebrates the diverse ways that children learn and express themselves. 

Learning is holistic, focused on children's complete development, integrating their physical, social, emotional, spiritual and intellectual growth.

We believe in collaborative project-based learning, integrating the insights of children, families and educators to create an enriching and responsive educational journey that is tailored to each individual child.

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The Third Teacher

Upon entering our Sadleir childcare service, you're immersed in a realm of childhood wonder and exploration. Our service showcases three welcoming classrooms, ensuring intimate class sizes and a tailored learning experience.

Each classroom is a treasure trove of resources, seamlessly integrated with nature and meticulously crafted to engage and nurture children across different age groups.

In every room, distinct learning stations reflect children’s interests with a focus on literacy, numeracy, art, construction, dramatic play, sustainability, STEAM and more.

These spaces reflect our deep commitment to honouring each child's sense of belonging, interests, family ties and cultural background.

Beyond the classroom, our Sadleir-Miller childcare centre offers lush gardens enriched with native plants, a sandpit, mud kitchen, water play, mud play area, picnic tables, art stations, outdoor reading nook, climbing equipment, soft mats, construction activities and a range of sports equipment.

Our outdoor environment is set up daily with engaging activities and resources to foster the development of gross motor skills, encourage exploration and extend children's interests beyond the classroom.

Children also participate in daily Munch and Move activities and planned sport to develop fundamental movement skills.

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Our Toddler Program

Our Sadleir Toddler Program for children aged two to three is thoughtfully designed with a focus on interactive learning experiences that encourage exploration, hands-on play and self-expression. 

Educators attentively listen to and observe the children, using their interests as a springboard for meaningful projects and activities. 

Through group learning experiences, open-ended play, discovery and exploration, interest-based projects, art and craft, dramatic play and responsive relationships, toddlers are empowered to communicate, connect and discover the world around them, fostering a deep-rooted love for learning. 

Key Learning Areas Include: 

Identity: We nurture children's sense of identity by encouraging their interests, fostering independence, supporting resilience, building connections, encouraging exploration and enhancing self-esteem and belonging.
Connection: Children learn about their connection and contribution by exploring diversity, culture, sustainability, community and the principles of fairness, taking turns, group projects, and shared play.
Wellbeing: We promote children's physical, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing through daily movement, games and sports, learning about nutrition, the body, and healthy habits, learning about emotions, mindfulness and the Munch and Move Program.
Learning: We provide engaging learning experiences through play, interest projects, and intentional teaching that foster problem-solving, fine and gross motor skills, resilience, creativity, concentration and foundational academic skills.
Communication: We support the development of communication and pro-social skills through storytelling, music and movement, child-centred learning, early literacy activities, asking questions, group time, creativity and self-expression.
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Transition to School Program

Our Sadleir Transition to School Program for children aged three to six provides children with dynamic learning experiences that fuel children’s curiosity, sense of wonder, inquiry and problem-solving skills. 

Our educators, acting as guides and collaborators, take cues from each child's unique interests, weaving them into engaging projects and activities that nurture both creativity and foundational academic skills. 

Through interest-driven exploration, individual and group projects, art, construction and peer interactions, our preschool children are nurtured to become confident, inquisitive and prepared learners who are ready to thrive in Primary School. 

Key Learning Areas Include: 

Identity: We nurture children's sense of identity by encouraging their interests and self-expression, fostering independence, supporting resilience, building connections, encouraging exploration and enhancing self-esteem and belonging.
Connection: Children learn about their connection, contribution, and impact by exploring diversity, culture, sustainability, community, and the principles of fairness, taking turns, group projects and shared play.
Wellbeing: We cultivate positive attitudes towards health, wellbeing, and nutrition through daily movement, healthy habits, mindfulness exercises, bodily awareness, emotional learning and the Munch and Move Program.
Learning: We provide engaging learning experiences through open-ended play, interest projects, experiments, and intentional teaching that foster critical thinking, problem-solving, resilience, creativity, concentration and foundational academic skills.
Communication: We support the development of communication and pro-social skills through early literacy activities, storytelling, group activities, music and movement, child-directed learning, asking questions, group time, show and tell and self-expression.
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Kind Words From Our Happy Families

Such a great preschool, teachers are so supportive and so kind.

Such a great preschool, teachers are so supportive and so kind.  We always feel informed about what is going on and updated about our child’s day. We as a family, have always felt so welcomed and feel so happy that our daughter loves attending and always come home happy to retell stories about her day with her friends. We recently had another baby and everyone at the centre helped and supported our daughter to learn how to be gentle and helped us prepare her for her big sister role! Would highly recommend.

Debra Momoisea

Family at St Therese Preschool and Long Day Care

Why choose us?

Icon, clasping hands
Supporting parents as the first educators of their children
Icon, star ribbon
Providing quality education and care
Icon, bible
Nurturing your child’s spirituality
Icon, three hands in together
Offer early intervention and targeted support
Icon, shaking hands
Being places of welcome
Icon, heart in two hands
Build positive relationships

Our Philosophy

At St Therese Preschool and Long Day Care, we believe that we are founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ, enriched by the gospel. We strive to achieve a Holistic, all-encompassing learning environment that is steered by the approved “Early Years Learning Framework for Australia V2.0, 2022”.

Children: We believe children are capable, resourceful and important members of the community, uniquely created by God. We see children as actively contributing to their own learning with intentionality and agency, as well as being shaped by the experiences and interactions we engage them in. We believe play is an essential method of this engagement as it has a powerful influence on children’s social, physical, emotional and cognitive learning and development. Learning in a play-based environment creates a setting that allows children to “just be” and caters for individualised learning.
Our programs are organised to cater to children’s interests, enhance learning and provide meaningful opportunities for developing creativity, imagination, curiosity, cooperation, critical thinking, problem-solving and persistence. 

Community: We acknowledge that the family is the first and most significant educator of their child.
We continually develop respectful partnerships with both children and families within the context of our Catholic Precinct encompassing the school, parish and local community. Children and families are welcome to participate in the spiritual practices at the service as we believe this creates a community united in the fellowship of the Catholic faith. 

Environment: The learning environment at the service is shaped by a wide range of factors governed by both nature and nurture. The indoor and outdoor environment is dynamic to engage the interests of our children, stimulate their thinking and promote learning. We continually enhance the aesthetics and learning experiences by incorporating natural materials, allowing children an opportunity to interact with the natural environment as it becomes the third teacher. The service continually fosters this engagement through nature along with sustainable practices, promoting children’s environmental responsibility and connection to the natural world.

Educators: We believe in being intentional in all aspects of the curriculum (e.g. routines, interactions, documentation) to promote children’s learning and development. We aim to provide a balance of child-led and adult-initiated and guided play experiences recognising that educators need to be flexible in moving in and out of different roles. We strive to create inclusive practices that are reflective in the mission of Jesus Christ. We believe each educator’s culture, beliefs, abilities and language should be acknowledged and more importantly integrated within our practices. Educators continue to develop this sense of cultural competence by understanding and effectively engaging with children and families across various cultures at the service. We are committed to actively working towards Reconciliation by embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives into the planning and implementation of the curriculum.

St Therese Catholic Preschool and Long Day Care Service Vision –Revised 12.4.23

Child care subsidy calculator

A majority of the families are eligible for Child Care Subsidy (CCS), which can help in reducing the cost by up to 80%. We've created this Subsidy Calculator to check your eligibility and subsidy amount.

Frequently asked questions

Why should I send my child to long day care and preschool?

Educators and psychologists are in agreeance that the single most important period in a child’s development occurs from birth to age six. Evidence shows that participating in a high quality early education program delivers lasting health and educational outcomes preparing children for school and beyond.

What is the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)?

The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) describes the principles, practices and outcomes essential to young children’s learning from birth to five years of age, as well as their transition to school. It’s part of the Australian Government’s National Quality Framework for early childhood education and care.The framework has a strong emphasis on play-based learning, recognising the importance of communication and language (including early literacy and numeracy) and social and emotional development. There are five learning outcomes defined by the EYLF:

  • Children have a strong sense of identity.
  • Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
  • Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
  • Children are confident and involved learners.
  • Children are effective communicators.

The National Quality Framework (NQF) was the result of an agreement between all Australian governments to work together to provide better educational and developmental outcomes for children.  The NQF introduced a new quality standard in 2012 to improve education and care across long daycare, family daycare, preschool/kindergarten, and outside school hours care.The National Quality Standard (NQS) is a key aspect of the National Quality Framework (NQF) and sets a high, national benchmark for early childhood education and care.The NQS brings together the 7 key quality areas that are important to outcomes for children:

  • Educational program and practice
  • Children’s health and safety
  • Physical environment
  • Staffing arrangements
  • Relationships with children
  • Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
  • Leadership and service management

Learn more on the ACECQA website.

Are nappies provided?

Yes, SCECS provides nappies for children who are not yet toilet trained.

Are meals provided?

SCECS provides breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a late snack each day. We employ a qualified onsite cook/chef, catering for each child’s dietary needs and providing fresh, nutritious and healthy meals. Meal time is a special time for children and staff to come together and enjoy a diverse range of cuisines.

What are the operating hours?

Our services operate from 7:00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday, 50 weeks a year. We’re not open on weekends or public holidays.

Can we join the waitlist if our baby hasn’t been born yet?

Yes, you can join the waitlist. We will require your baby’s surname and for their first name, you can write ‘baby’. We also require an estimated date of birth. Once your child is born, you are required to contact us and update your details.

What happens once I submit my waitlist application?

Your Wait List Application / position for care will be allocated in line with the Priority of Access guidelines at the service.

How does the waitlist work?

We adhere to the Commonwealth Government's Priority of Access guidelines;

Priority 1: a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect

Priority 2: a child of a single parent or parents who satisfy the work/training/study test under Section 14 of the 'A New Tax

System (Family Assistance) Act 1999'

Priority 3: any other child.

Within these main categories, priority should also be given to the following children:

‐ children in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families

‐ children in families which include a disabled person

‐ children in families which include an individual whose adjusted taxable income does not exceed the lower income threshold, or who or whose partner is on income


‐ children in families from a non‐English speaking background

‐ children in socially isolated families

‐ children of single parents

When do we need to start looking for a childcare service?

We recommend placing your child’s name on a waitlist early to ensure that you do not miss out on a place. You should also confirm your requirements as regularly as possible.

Can I join the waitlist if my baby hasn't been born yet?

Yes you can join the waitlist.  We will require your baby’s surname and for their first name, write ‘baby’.  We also require an estimated date of birth. Once your child is born, please contact us to update your details.

Can you cater for my child's disability?

At SCECS we are an inclusive environment who provides for children with additional needs and is available to every child.  For specific advice on how we could best accommodate your child/ren, you should speak with the Director at the SCECS service you are interested in.

When do you start toilet training?

Toilet training usually occurs between the ages of 18 months and 3 years. We work in partnership with families to encourage and implement toilet training when you feel that your child is ready, based on their individual stage of development and signs of toileting readiness.

What should we bring?

Families are encouraged to pack the following items, labelled with their name:

  • A water bottle
  • 3 spare changes of clothing to suit the weather conditions
  • Any comforters that assist your child to feel settled
  • Sun safe hat
  • Bib - if required (Remove)
  • Dummy - if required
  • Sleep sheet or blanket (Remove)
  • Bottles with formula or expressed milk
  • Any medications

What time should we arrive for drop off?

We suggest dropping your child off prior to 10 am to assist your child’s connection to the service and familiarity with the routine of the day.

Why do we need an orientation session?

We recommend families to visit a minimum of 1 to 3 orientation sessions with your child. This allows your child to get use to the routine, educators and learning environment. It also allows us the time to get to know your child/ren and how best we can support their learning and development prior to formally commencing at the service.

How long will it take my child to settle in?

Every child will be different. Some children settle in quickly, while others may take longer. Children who attend 3+ days per week are more likely to settle sooner than children who attend less often. Our caring team of educators will work with you and your child to tailor the enrolment and make the transition smooth.

How do I enrol?

Submit an online ‘’Waitlist" from the SCECS website. Click here to access our guide to using Storypark Manage. The guide will show you how to enrol and request care.

What is the enrolment process?

Once a position becomes available the service will make contact and organise orientation sessions with you and your child.

Will the number of children attending be capped?

Yes, each service is licensed to operate with a maximum number of children based on the physical space available to each service.

Can I swap a session as a one-off?

Unfortunately, we are unable to cater to session swaps due to staffing.

Will I be charged for bookings that fall on a Public Holiday?

If your booking falls on a public holiday you will be charged for this.

I need to terminate my care arrangements; how do I do this?

To cease care, you are required to provide 2 weeks’ written notice. If you are receiving CCS, please note that CCS is not payable for any absences after your child’s last day of physical attendance. Therefore, you are required to attend your last booked day of care to ensure that CCS is paid.

My child is unwell, what do I do?

It is important to notify your service via email or phone if your child is not attending a booked session. Please note that if the absence falls on a day that is booked permanently you will still be charged for the session. For flexible care arrangements, please contact your service to discuss casual bookings.

Will my child move rooms when they have a birthday?

Transitions to older rooms are based on developmental readiness and availability, not just age. Please speak to your service Director if you have any questions.

My child is not immunised - can they be enrolled?

SCECS requires children to be fully up-to-date with their immunisations, or be on a catch up schedule, or have a medical exemption to be enrolled into care. Documentation supporting the child’s immunisation position, must be provided at the time of enrolment. Children who are not vaccinated will not receive the Child Care Subsidy and are not eligible for enrolment.

What documents do I need to supply to show my child’s immunisation status?

The following are acceptable to prove immunisation:

No other documents will be accepted and the enrolment cannot be confirmed without one of these.

What documents do I need to supply to show my child’s immunisation status?

The following are acceptable to prove immunisation:

No other documents will be accepted and the enrolment cannot be confirmed without one of these.

My child is not immunised - can they be enrolled?

SCECS requires children to be fully up-to-date with their immunisations, or be on a catch-up schedule, or have a medical exemption to be enrolled into care. Documentation supporting the child’s immunisation position must be provided at the time of enrolment. Children who are not vaccinated are not entitled to receive the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and are not eligible for enrolment.

What documents do I need to supply to show my child’s immunisation status? 

The following documents are acceptable to provide immunisation:

  • AIR Immunisation History Statement - those that are fully immunised for their age
  • AIR Immunisation Medical Exemption Form - those that have a medical reason not to be vaccinated, or
  • AIR Immunisation History Form - those that are on a recognised catch-up schedule

No other documents will be accepted, and the enrolment cannot be confirmed without one of the above documents.